BioE 594: Drug Transport

The purpose of this course is to introduce graduate students to the principles of mathematical and computational methods in bioengineering. The course will form part of the core course requirement for all graduate students. We will cover experimental and mathematical techniques for the quantitative description, modeling, control, and design of realistic problems in bioengineering. Class projects may include topics such as computational analysis of medical images, whole body pharmacokinetic models, hemodynamics simulations, and medical image guided design of drug transport problems. The course will provide a thorough introduction into optimization techniques. Open-ended project assignments will help graduate students develop skills to apply class content independently. The laboratory component will create opportunities for students to implement new mathematical skills in realistic research-level course projects. Publications of class projects will be encouraged.

Lecture/Recitations: Tuesday and Thursday as follows:
SEO Room 236: 3:30 PM - 4:55 PM
Instructor: Prof. Andreas A. Linninger
Email:, Tel. 3-7743
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 12:15 pm - 2:00 pm
SEO Room 206
Teaching Assistant: Ms. Mahsa Ghaffari
Email:, Tel. 3-8201
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
SELE 4052
Software Tools: MATLAB: general purpose system analysis and specialized control features
Prerequisites: Graduate level standing or consent of the instructor